Category Archives: Easytow
New Brochures Now Online
We have just released updated brochures for both the Ski/Wake Series and Sports/Fish Series of Trailers...
Trying to communicate the ins and outs of a custom built trailer can sometimes be quite complicated – however these brochures are a step in the right direction. Covering things like the different model types, designs, capacities, standard inclusions and optional upgrades - you can check them out now via our downloads page.
Please keep in mind, as we custom build, all information is somewhat generic in nature.

Tow vehicles vary in capacities and attributes and these variances must be taken into consideration when towing trailers....
This Manual outlines the steps to follow to ensure your vehicle is set up correctly and how failure to correctly set up your towing package can negatively affect your towing performance. It can be downloaded from the PDF icon on the left, or it is also found in our Downloads Section.